id |
Quotes from theymos |
#1 |
I think that the crypto community is near the start of a multi-year squeezing campaign against mixers; similar to the cannabis industry in the US, or Operation Choke Point, or what happened with Backpage, or the deplatforming of Parler. |
#2 |
I thought BitCoin only generated in 50 coin increments, but I got 50.44 here. |
#3 |
Satoshi's lesson is that you *don't* need to be the next Einstein in order to change the world. Nor do you need to have much money, or influence with the world's "movers & shakers". You just need to put in the effort. Satoshi, probably just an ordinary hobbyist like anyone here, saw that something was lacking in the Universe, and he fought tooth-and-nail for 2+ years until this imperfection was corrected. *This* is what makes Satoshi and his work my greatest inspiration. |
#4 |
The things on the forum which encourage spam are allowed mainly because it's part of the forum's mission to be as free as possible. |
#5 |
I'll get right on that [Forum with KYC], just as soon as hell freezes over. |
#6 |
In addition to activity, everyone now has a merit score, and you need both a certain activity level and a certain merit score in order to reach higher member ranks. |
#7 |
This [forum donations] is part of an effort to make the forum self-sustaining. If donations alone are not enough, a few auctioned-off text ads will probably be added. |
#8 |
The Bitcoin price is amazingly high, and it has stayed amazingly high for quite some time. I've been expecting it to crash for the last year, and I was especially expecting it to crash in response to the various B2X nonsense, but it's still quite high. |
#9 |
I intend to ignore all stupidity coming out of the EUSSR. |
#10 |
For years I've been unhappy with how DefaultTrust ended up as a centralized and largely-untouchable authority, but I was reluctant to change it because the alternatives seemed too messy. However, I've finally decided to try some changes, and we'll see how it works. |
#11 |
With regret, I am (for now) admitting defeat on the DDoS front, and we will soon be using using Cloudflare to protect against DDoS attacks. |
#12 |
I created a site that lets you view detailed information about Bitcoin blocks, addresses, and transactions. |
#13 |
Am I the only one who finds this quote extremely annoying? It gives everyone an excuse to say that they are winning. Even if you sit around doing nothing, you can say that you're on the track to becoming President because everyone is "ignoring you". |
#14 |
I sold 15,000 BTC on Bitcoin Market for ~0.003 USD: the all-time low on any market, AFAIK. I had measured my power consumption and determined that it only cost me ~0.001 BTC to make one BTC, so I thought 0.003 was a good profit margin. I knew the price would rise over time due to the deflationary nature of Bitcoin, but I didn't think it would happen so suddenly. |
#15 |
Generating is still profitable, even on my ancient computers. Bitcoin uses $0.25 per day in electricity, but I will make on average $0.60 in Bitcoins per day (and I actually value Bitcoins more than the market price). Even if it wasn't profitable, I need a running bitcoind, and I might as well have it helping the network. |
#16 |
I generated 5 blocks today on my Pentium processor. |
#17 |
The number of coins created per block is halved every 4 years, not the number of blocks created. 50 coins are created per block now. When we reach about 200,000 blocks, each block will be worth 25 coins. After another 200,000 blocks (4 years), each block will be worth 12.5 coins. |
#18 |
In the future you could pay an additional voluntary fee for your transactions to get priority, but this isn't implemented now (in either generating or sending, I think). |
#19 |
It isn't necessary to have a "Bitcoin team". People will independently use/promote/protect the currencies that they find the most value in. |